Online Casino Scams Roulette

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The moving wheel holds a certain glamour that tricks many novices into falling for myths and misconceptions that most seasoned players have long known to be nothing more than superstitions. Moreover, there are players who have been betting for decades while believing one system or another would bring them certain profits.
Have A Favourite Roulette Game?

The online casino offers you a wide variety of games and promotions to have more chances to win. You must always access a reliable and reputable online casino like 12Play to avoid fraud and scams. Online gambling has more benefits than traditional land-based casinos, but they are often more dangerous, and players must be very careful.

Often depicted in film and on TV, roulette is an attractive casino game to play and has an almost legendary status among some gambling fans. Unfortunately, there are also many online scams when it comes to roulette, and they can take different forms. These include fake online casinos, claims to make you rich when you purchase roulette systems and many more. In this article, I would like to highlight some of these online scams in the hope that should you ever come across one of them, you will be aware of it.

Before looking into the most common roulette scams that you may encounter online, you need to know why they can never be true. When you understand how roulette works in web-based casinos, you will be able to easily see right through the many lies you will be told just by using common sense. The most important thing to remember is that roulette, like all virtual casino games, is an RNG-based game. This means that the numbers that come up after each spin are random, or at least as random as possible. The casino does not decide when the ball falls on 7, for instance. This is determined by a sophisticated computer chip and a piece of software that create almost real-life randomness.


Aug 12, 2020 Online Casino Dealer Cheating Video. How To Avoid The Online Casino Scam: Before you enroll in a casino's list of players, research the credibility of it. It might sound like simple common sense, but it is essential to do some initial research about any site or casino you intend playing at. A gang of confident con-men from New York hit the casinos of Ohio in 2012, determined to slide under the radar of the management as they plied their roulette scam. With an estimated group of as many as 70 accomplices, the group ran the scam by switching chips across different tables as they played. Beat Roulette by Studying it; Online Roulette in Casino: Real Facts; Get roulette winnings: fix a real purpose; Useful tips for Online Roulette; 2020 Must-Have Roulette Software; Two Efficient roulette tips to reduce losses; Avoid Scams. All about Online rigged Roulette Wheels; Fun or Real Roulette Money? All about Roulette Home Edge; Fiction.

Online Casino Scams Roulette

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It is called Random Number Generator or RNG is at the base of every virtual casino game you would find in online casinos. The RNG uses algorithms which produce long sequences of numbers. While they seem random, these sequences are, in fact, determined by shorter values, called seed values, or key values. Many scams want punters to believe that they can decode these sequences and as a consequence, that they can predict the winning numbers. While this is theoretically possible, it is extremely difficult and thus, highly unlikely. The reason is very simple – that these sequences of numbers are indeed very long and for the specific pattern to be found, you will need an exceptional computer program.

Scam #1 – Roulette Systems “Guaranteed” to Make You Money

Many players believe that betting systems can increase their chances of winning. There are several popular systems that have been explained in detail in various articles and even books dedicated to this topic. There is no way, however, for any betting strategy to change the odds of the game, as they are fixed based on simple mathematics. There is NO system which can beat the house edge, and therefore no system is guaranteed to make you a single penny.

Many of these scams claim that their system takes advantage of a ‘flaw’ or ‘loophole’. Beware of these scams, they can often look very innocent. For example, one scam was actually trying to persuade readers to use the Martingale roulette system, which has been around for many years. The system requires doubling your bet after each loss, and this way when you do incur a win, it will equal the amount of your original bet. This is actually true, as can be shown from very simple mathematics. The idea is that if you lose your bet, you need to compensate for your losses with your following bet and potential win.

However, many players do not realise how quickly doubling your bet after each loss adds up. Even a bet of just £1 can quickly end up losing over £100 (only 6 consecutive losses are needed for this to be the case). And even a win after such a losing streak, the total profit will be just £1. Now, some players fall into the trap of the Martingale system for several reasons. First, because it recommends that you place only even-odds bets such as red/black or high/low which provide the highest odds of winning in roulette (close to 50%). Even with these bets, there is no guarantee that if you lost 5 times on black, the fifth time, the ball will land on red. In fact, there is no guarantee for that even after ten spins of the wheel because roulette is a game of pure chance.

Another reason why this system is so attractive is the fact that most punters who use it start with the lowest bet possible. As mentioned before, even with low bets, you can quickly lose huge amounts of money if you on the so-called “losing streak”. Other players prefer to start with their standard bet, £5, for instance. But this is very dangerous, because then, of course, it takes even less spins to lose an uncontrollable amount of money. If we do a simple calculation, we find out that we have lost more than £100 after only four bets.

The system ultimately fails when the player has no money left to bet or has reached the table limit, which is an important issue to consider. Most roulette tables, whether in land-based casinos or online, have limits that can be reached with less than 10 bets using the Martingale system. Other systems are equally uncertain while being much more complex and requiring a strict strategy and lots of calculations. So please, do not be fooled. NO SYSTEM can guarantee you money.

Scam #2 – Roulette Bots

There are many different bots available on the internet which claim to make you money while you can be off making a cup of tea! But don’t be fooled, these roulette bots have no secret winning strategy and can lose you a lot of money, fast. These bots, as they are known, are pieces of software which can place bets for you, using a certain roulette system. Moreover, their developers and sellers claim these bots can actually earn you money.

One very common scam is roulette bot plus. You can find it easily by simply googling roulette bot plus. The best thing about this scam, which entices so many people, is that it is free. And it really is, no card details need to be given to the site itself so it sounds perfectly safe. Better yet, you’re advised to play without real money first to try it out. Now, this bot uses the Martingale system, which I mentioned in Scam #1. Without real money, you’ll find that you seem to make a profit of one unit each round, so why not give it a go for real money?! As I explained above, the system fails when the player has no money left to spend after a long losing streak, or the table limit is reached; this system will not always make you money. In the long term, any system will cause you to lose money unless you happen to be extremely lucky.

Now you might be wondering how the site makes any money from you. Well, that is the clever part. You are told that you must use the bot only with certain casinos for it to work. These casinos collaborate with the bot developer, so he or she knows how to make it look that the bot actually works in fun play mode. These casinos pay the owner of the bot a percentage of the money they make from people losing money. Of course, renowned, respectable online casinos will never want to be associated with such a scam, but the Internet is crowded with gambling sites which legitimacy is debatable, to say the least.

Moreover, while this bot, in particular, is free, most similar programs are not. This means that the player loses money twice – first, for purchasing the bot, and then, while playing with the bot at the casino he is told to. It’s really rather clever, and you can see why so many people are fooled by this type of scam. But there are roulette bots out there that are not scams at all. Some simply place certain bets for you so you can play roulette online without actually being at the computer. There’s nothing wrong with this, but any bot that claims it can definitely make you money or states that you can use it only at certain casinos is a scam.

Scam #3 – Trigger Numbers

The last scam I would like to mention is one in which you are asked to buy a supposedly flawless system which can make you money every time by knowing the last few numbers that have come up. These scams can be very dangerous because they can work in free mode, deceiving players into believing that they will work when using real money as well. Typically, they are sold via Youtube, or temporary websites (they are frequently deleted, and then pop up somewhere else). An email address or some type of contact information is usually given where you can contact the person who will sell you their system. After wasting your money on a useless system, it is pretty much impossible to get a refund.

These scams are advertised as systems and you will often see them claiming “100% guaranteed to win” or “the best roulette system in the world”. Such phrases are a clear sign that the product in question is actually a scam – those who use or advertise betting systems and automated roulette bots will never make such unrealistic claims. As explained above, roulette is a game of chance and you can never rely on predictions, as the current winning number has no relation to the previous one, nor will it have any connection to the next number that will come up.

But this is exactly what this type of scam does – it claims that every online (or land-based roulette game, for that matter) roulette uses a pattern when choosing the winning numbers. According to scammers, they can exploit a certain weakness in the RNG software. As it is not, in fact, random, but based on a predetermined computational algorithm, it can be “decoded” by finding the so-called trigger numbers. This works in a very simple way – you watch a video and contact the sellers who explain exactly how this software works. You may be even shown a small online demonstration and after it, you open your favourite casino website. Then, you are instructed via a live chat window to start a game in a free play mode and spin the roulette wheel 10 times or even more.

When you provide the scammers with the results, they start telling you which numbers will be hit next. And it works – you keep winning each following spin in free mode. Once you want to play for real money, you are told to purchase the advertised computer program and install it on your computer. And it usually costs around £1,000. When you have it and start playing in real mode, it turns out that this program simply does not work. But how is this possible – how can the practice mode version of the software be effective in the first place?

Most online casinos actually offer many games in free mode even without Internet connection. Other gambling operators simply do not bother to allow players to test the games with fun credits. In either case, the practice mode they provide is not an actual play – for roulette games, they use a certain cycle of numbers that for the naked eye, seem perfectly random. However, this is a predetermined set of numbers and scammers had already used a software to test this cycle. When you give them the 10 or so numbers that landed in your free play mode, they know where exactly in the cycle you are. Logically, they start “predicting” the winning numbers and you are convinced that their software works.

In reality, the practice mode has nothing to do with the actual roulette play in real time. So, of course, the number predicting program does not work.

Additional Roulette Myths to Avoid

The myths and misconceptions surrounding roulette have been debunked numerous times by various experts, scientists and seasoned players. Still, many amateur punters firmly believe in their genuineness and effectiveness. One false belief that is widely spread among casual players is that the chance of a red or black hitting is 50/50. What many fail to consider is the zero, which is neither red, not black. Because of the green zero, the odds of hitting red and black are the same at 48.65%. In contrast, due to the double zero in American roulette, the odds are only 47.40% and increase the house edge to 5.26%.

Another false myth is that there are numbers, colours, etc., that are due to hit. For instance, many players would place a bet on an even number simply because an odd one came up the last four times. The truth is that past winning numbers do not influence the outcome of future spins and the ball can land twenty times in a row on black, for instance – although it is rare, it is perfectly possible. For this reason, no certain numbers or colours are ever due to hit and no system or strategy can predict future wins.

What is the best online casino for roulette

Some roulette players also love to stick to their favourite numbers or colours. And while this may work in films, it is not an effective strategy in the short or in the long term. The most famous example of this is the legend of 17 – it is believed to be a lucky number by hundreds of casino players. There is an interesting story about Sean Connery and how he won big with 17. While playing the roulette in an Italian casino in 1963, he placed 5 bets on the number 17. He lost the first two times, but then he won and decided to bet his winnings on 17 again. With only 3 winning bets on the number 17, he left the table with more than £10,000, which is over £160,000 in today’s money.

While there are many bizarre stories like this one, there are no lucky numbers in roulette and such instances can be explained by either some technical flaw of the roulette wheel (it was a physical roulette after all) or by sheer luck. Punters should never believe in legends about magical numbers or in scams that promise them a guaranteed win. There are roulette betting systems which can help you compensate your losses at least partially, but no system will beat the house edge, built in every casino game.


These are just some of the many roulette scams available on the internet, so please be careful. I have mentioned here some of the most common types of scams, but the best way to avoid a scam is simply by never paying a penny for any type of claim where you are told you can win money using one system or another. Casinos invest a HUGE amount of money into making sure there is no way to cheat, and there really isn’t. They will always have an advantage over their customers, so you should not be deceived into thinking there is a way around it.

Online games have become very popular nowadays because you can play without leaving your home. The online casino offers you a wide variety of games and promotions to have more chances to win. You must always access a reliable and reputable online casino like 12Play to avoid fraud and scams.

Online gambling has more benefits than traditional land-based casinos, but they are often more dangerous, and players must be very careful. The first online casino came on the market in 1996 and from there began its growth to become an alternative for players.

Today, regulatory bodies are duly established to verify casinos’ functions and operations. Now it is much easier to spot a fraudulent casino. Each country has its regulations to keep these scam casinos out, but you must be vigilant and inform yourself to avoid major problems.


  • 1 How to avoid fraud and scams in online casinos?

How to avoid fraud and scams in online casinos?

If you want to stay safe and play online, you should pay attention to the following tips:

  • Verify that the casino is legal

You must ensure that the casino where you are registering is legal and complies with laws and regulations. These casinos must be licensed to operate; you must look for the corresponding seals to verify that they are safe and duly approved sites.

Checking the website’s official home page will give you all the information you need to know about the casino’s authenticity. If you notice that the website does not offer this type of information, it is likely that it does not have a valid license, you should leave it immediately.

There are some types of certificates that you can consider, such as Curacao eGaming and Malta Gaming Authority that issue licenses to prestigious casinos.

  • Check if it is a secure website

Trusted websites work to provide a secure platform for all of their players. You must have a high-tech security system with modern encryption that will prevent third parties from accessing your personal and banking information.

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  • Payment methods

A good online casino offers a wide payment method for its players to have more convenience. That deposits and withdrawals are made by reliable payment methods.

You should also verify that the withdrawal mechanisms are easy to perform, that they do not put obstacles so that you can obtain your earnings. Another point that you should check is the type of coins they accept.

  • The software

You must know the type of gaming provider that the online casino uses. This will give you a better gaming experience, and you will know that the games are legal and do not use cheating. Registering with an casino with popular game providers on the market will guarantee solid gameplay, good design, and a modern interface.

  • The games offered by the website

Reputable and industry-leading online casinos offer many games to all of their players. They offer you traditional casino games such as roulette, blackjack, poker, craps, slot machines, baccarat, keno, and much more.

Each website offers several different games; it will depend on your needs and skills which one is best for you. It is important that before registering, you know the list of available games so that you do not end up with a platform where you cannot play.

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Online Casino Scams Roulette Real Money

  • Have responsibility for the game

You must have a gambling responsibility to avoid losing your money. Avoid a gambling dependency problem and bankruptcy for not knowing how to stop. Online casinos can be addictive, and by having them available at any time of the day, anyone can become dependent on the game.

The first thing to do is establish some parameters that you must respect. Set a game schedule, limiting the amount of money you want to bet to avoid problems.

Do not spend all day sitting in front of your computer or with your mobile phone playing online; respect the time. The best websites on the market offer you guides and tools for players to play responsible gambling. They offer players the information they need to see casinos as entertainment.

  • Customer Service

A secure online casino offers you a friendly, 24-hour technical support service. Avoid casinos that do not have this contact service because you will not solve your problems immediately. Reputable casino operators know how important it is to provide quality customer service.

This is a vital tool so that all players can be calm and safe. You can read the other players’ comments to know what customer service is like. You need to offer an email, phone number, or live chat to make it a trustworthy site.

How safe are online casinos?

There are currently thousands of websites that offer these types of services so that you can gamble online. This allows you to have a greater opportunity to compare them and choose what best suits your needs.

As in everything related to the Internet, you always have to be careful with the websites you access to avoid identity theft. There are evil, shady, and malicious people hiding behind gambling sites to scam and rob users.

For this reason, many players are afraid to start playing at online casinos. But there are casinos that are reliable and have years of experience in the industry. If you register with one of them, you will not have any problems.

There are online casinos that have earned all their members’ trust for the benefits and services they offer. They are gambling sites with millions of active followers every day with modern games. Knowing the players’ comments is also very important so that you know the casino’s operation before subscribing.

Smaller casinos are coming onto the market that wants to make a name for themselves and are operated by professionals. This is why you must verify and review the website to confuse them with the sites built by scammers and hackers.

You should be aware of the following warning signs:


Online Casino Scams Roulette No Deposit

  • You cannot verify or find out where the business is
  • You cannot see the seal or license on the official casino home page
  • There is a history online that claims the casino takes a long time for withdrawals
  • The website has software that is not provided by an industry-recognized vendor

Online Casino Scams Roulette Games

By following these tips, you will find a casino that is safe and offers you the opportunity to win money without leaving your home.