The Real Nucky Thompson

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  1. How Did Nucky Thompson Die In Real Life
  2. Is Nucky Thompson Based On A Real Person
  3. Why Did Nucky Kill Jimmy
  4. Why Did Tommy Darmody Kill Nucky Thompson
  5. Nucky Thompson Girlfriend
  6. How Did The Real Nucky Thompson Die

Jul 5, 2019 - Explore Candice Montoya's board 'Nucky Thompson The Boston' on Pinterest. See more ideas about nucky thompson, boston terrier, boston. Nucky Johnson's Organization was a corrupt political machine based in Atlantic City, New Jersey that held power during the Prohibition era.Its boss, Enoch 'Nucky' Johnson, coordinated the Organizations's bootlegging, gambling, racketeering, and prostitution activities. Being a huge fan of the 'Boardwalk Empire' I had to read about the real Nucky Johnson. I enjoyed the real antics and foibles of Enoch Johnson. I knew instinctively that many of the TV show' s stories were fabrications or outlandish embellishments of possible true events. For one, the Commodore of the TV show, Louis Buehle in real life, died.

How Did Nucky Thompson Die In Real Life

They are doing their best to do historically accurate fiction. - author Nelson Johnson

Questioning the Story:

Is Margaret Schroeder based on a real person?

Like Margaret Schroeder (left), Florence Osbeck (right) was Nucky's second wife, but that's where the similarities end.
Margaret Schroeder, who is portrayed by Kelly Macdonald on the Boardwalk Empire TV show, is primarily a combination of two individuals, Nucky's second wife, showgirl Florence Osbeck (pictured) who was 25 years his junior, and Mary Ill, a housewife and boardinghouse maid who fell upon hard times and requested a meeting with Nucky. Mary's husband, a part-time baker's helper, had gambled their food money away. Nucky gave Mary Ill some money and ensured her that her husband would no longer be allowed in local gambling halls. Like Margaret, Mary was also active in local politics and charitable organizations. It is unclear whether she was Irish and there is no evidence that Nucky had her husband killed like he does to Margaret's on the show. -Boardwalk Empire Book
Did Nucky really have a first wife who died?Yes. On the show, Nucky (Steve Buscemi) alludes to having lost his first wife. The Boardwalk Empire true story reveals that Nucky Johnson's first wife was his childhood sweetheart Mabel Jeffries. They both had enrolled at State Normal School College in Trenton, New Jersey. Nucky left after a year to begin an unpaid law clerkship. He eventually quit to work as a clerk at the office of his father, the sheriff.
After Mabel Jeffries graduated and began work as a teacher, the two married on September 12, 1906. Their marriage ended with her death in 1912 of tuberculosis. It was at this time that Nucky began to live a fast life. Decades later, following an engagement that lasted three years, he married Florence 'Floss' Osbeck, a thirty-three-year-old showgirl, on August 11, 1941 before entering prison for tax evasion. -Nucky: The Real Story of the Atlantic City Boardwalk Boss by Frank J. Ferry

Is Nucky Thompson Based On A Real Person

The real nucky thompson gangster photos
Did Nucky have any children?

No. On the HBO TV show, Nucky adopts Margaret Schroeder's two children around the time that Margaret and Nucky marry. In researching The Boardwalk Empire true story, we discovered that the real Nucky Thompson (Nucky Johnson) never had any children. His brother, who is depicted as having a rather large family on the show, also never had any kids.

The Real Nucky Thompson

Boardwalk Empire T-Shirts celebrate fan favorites including the purely fictional character Richard Harrow.
Is Jimmy Darmody based on a real person?

Yes. James 'Jimmy' Darmody, portrayed by Michael Pitt, is to some degree based on Jimmy Boyd (Business Insider). Born November 5, 1906, James H. Boyd worked closely with Nucky Johnson and has been called his 'right-hand man' by their lawyer Frank J. Ferry. It is rumored that Boyd got his start as a bellhop at the Ritz and was able to work his way up. Ultimately, he became a part of the Atlantic Board of Freeholders (county legislators) for almost forty years. He was also the executive chairman of the Fourth Ward Republic Club for two decades and served in the army during World War II (Jimmy Darmody was a WWI veteran). By now you've probably guessed that the real James Darmody (Jimmy Boyd) was not killed by Nucky Johnson. He died more than five years after Nucky in April 1974. -Atlantic Cape Community College

Did the real Nucky Thompson actually live at the Ritz-Carlton?

Yes. Nucky Johnson leased the entire ninth story of the Ritz-Carlton, as well as other properties. While being investigated for tax evasion, it was noted that his daily expenditures included such food as lobster, steaks and caviar. Although he treated himself well, spending large amounts on clothes and cars too, he also spread his wealth to charities, impoverished areas and workers.

Why Did Nucky Kill Jimmy

The real nucky johnson

Ship-shaped bar of real Babette's nightclub (top) and the TV show's ship-shaped bar (bottom).
Is Babette's nightclub based on a real location?

Yes. Babette's was an actual Atlantic City nightclub that existed from the 1920s through the 1940s. It was originally called the Golden Inn and was owned by Dan Stebbins. He changed the name in the 1930s after marrying singer and performer Blanche Babette, who had come to Atlantic City in 1920. Babette's was indeed known for its unique décor, which included a ship-shaped bar (pictured) similar to but not as extravagant as the one Martin Scorsese insisted on having created for the show. Like on the TV show, the real Babette's saw it's fair share of illegal activity, including backroom gambling and horse-race betting, which caused it to become the target of a federal investigation in the 1930s.

Did Nucky really wear a red carnation in his lapel?

Why Did Tommy Darmody Kill Nucky Thompson

Yes. Like on the TV show, the real Enoch Thompson (Enoch Johnson) wore a fresh red carnation in his lapel daily. It was his personal trademark. -The Press of Atlantic City

Nucky Thompson Girlfriend

Did the real Nucky have a pale, scrawny appearance like actor Steve Buscemi on the TV show?

No. The real Nucky swam almost every day of the week to keep in shape. He was a tall, muscular, formidable man who weighed roughly 225 pounds and stood over six feet tall. He also did not have a somewhat high-pitched voice like actor Steve Buscemi. He had a forceful and outgoing personality and he was almost always seen wearing glasses.

Boardwalk Empire Set Tour and Related Video

Join Bob Shaw, the Production Designer on the HBO Boardwalk Empire TV show, as he offers a behind-the-scenes look at the Boardwalk Empire sets, including the replica Atlantic City Boardwalk that was constructed exclusively for the show. Also, watch the trailer that was used to promote the HBO TV series.

Boardwalk Empire Sets: Designing An Empire

Boardwalk Empire's ProductionDesigner, Bob Shaw, takes us on a tour ofthe Boardwalk Empire sets,including an enormous, life-size replicaof the Atlantic City Boardwalk built inBrooklyn, Babette's nightclub, and NuckyThompson's office.

Boardwalk Empire Trailer

Watch the Boardwalk Empiretrailer for the HBO TV series starringSteve Buscemi as Enoch 'Nucky' Thompson,the treasurer and ruler of Atlantic Cityduring the 1920s and 1930s.

Link-to-Learn More:

How Did The Real Nucky Thompson Die



The Real Boardwalk Empire Story

A few years ago HBO aired a mini-series about Atlantic City, New Jersey called Boardwalk Empire starring Steve Buscemi as Enoch 'Nucky' Johnson.

Enoch 'Nucky' Thompson was a political figure who rose to prominence and controlled Atlantic City, New Jersey, during the Prohibition period of the 1920s and 1930s. In the mini-series, Nucky interacts with several historical figures in both his personal and political life, including mobsters, politicians, government agents, and the common folk who look up to him. The federal government also takes an interest in the bootlegging and other illegal activities in the area, sending agents to investigate possible mob connections but also looking at Nucky's lifestyle— expensive and lavish for a county political figure. Entertaining stuff... but the real story is, for those interested, probably more interesting than the fiction.

In November of 2012 I was talking to Battalion Chief Andrew Magee of the Camden Fire Department, who mentioned that he enjoyed watching this show. A few weeks later in the course of scanning material about Camden for this website, I found news clippings from July of 1941 covering in detail Nucky Johnson's trial and conviction on tax charges. These clippings are presented in their entirety below.

More will be added as I process them.

Phil Cohen
December 16, 2012

Camden Courier-Post * July 23, 1941

Camden Courier-Post * July 25, 1941

Camden Courier-Post * July 26, 1941


Camden Courier-Post * July 30, 1941

Camden Courier-Post * July 31, 1941